Local & International Toll-Free Services (TFS)
Following industry standards and worldwide best practice, stc Bahrain offers a toll-free service with both national and international access.
Global businesses are now demanding that customers have easy access to them at all times. stc Bahrain Wholesale’s Toll-Free Service is a convenient way for customers to contact businesses from any location, at any time, and free of charge.

If you require calls from Bahrain, stc Bahrain Wholesale will provide you with a 800xxxxx number, allowing your calls to be transferred to the business, and subsequently the agent, at no cost to the end-customer.

Internationally, a partnership is created between stc and another entity, to provide you with a +973800xxxxxx number. In a similar fashion, calls are transferred to the business and agent at no cost to the end-customer.
For more information, please click here.